
Showing posts from 2009

I have been baking!

Fall Mushroom Stew

Beyond Cauliflower

Fall Granola

I can't believe I did it, but I did it!

Soup soup SOUP

Maple Oatey Bites

Waffle Sunday

I love this book.

Caldo Verde

Granola Bars

OK It's Cold in NY. Now What?

Too many zucchini?


Round Things

Rosh Hashana Post

Birthday Feast

Late Summer Breakfast Scramble

My First August Post (Sorry.)

When life gives you tomatoes...

Matt's Birthday Cake

Jam Tart

Why Cali is better, Part II

And this is why Cali is better

Quickle Pickle!

Blueberry Oven Pancake

Eggplant Rollatini

Fiddleheads and other good eats

More cookies... it's finals week, u know?

I <3 Cookies UPDATED

I <3 Cookies


The best I've ever had!

Crackers in Bed